Creating Quick Pullout/Breakout Classes at Rostered Districts

Creating Quick Pullout/Breakout Classes at Rostered Districts

A Non-SIS-based Class Creation Method for Districts Using Clever, ClassLink, and Edlink

Important Note
In order to use this new option, you must be actively sharing teacher and student accounts with Sirius Online, or have actively and successfully shared teacher and student accounts and rosters in the past.
1. INITIAL SET UP REQUIREMENT. In order to initially sync student accounts, they must be tied to at least one active class and teacher in your data (Many current districts have already done this!)
2. NEW TO ROSTERING OR SIRIUS THIS FALL. In order to be able to create classes with this new method, you'll need to assign all participating pullout/breakout students to at least one master class of students in order to get them to provision within Sirius (for later rostering using this new method).


  1. AUTOMATED ROSTERED DISTRICTS ONLY: Current or new districts who share rosters via Clever, ClassLink, and EdLink will have the ability to create self-registered classes (summer, pullout, breakout, Accelerated Learning sections, etc) starting on or around May 25th.

  2. REQUIRES ROSTERED USERS/SINGLE SIGN ON (SSO): Access by teachers and students will continue to be through their current SSO partners and methods; only rostered teachers and students shared via a district's rostering service can be included

  3. IN ADDITION TO ROSTERED CLASSES/SECTIONS: The ability to create self-registered classes is in addition to synced formal rosters, classes, and sections that the district shares via their SIS.




Starting the week of May 25th, 2022,  administrators and teachers will have the ability to create session pullout/breakout classes within their districts and schools to better support special classes based on current rostered student accounts shared with Sirius via Clever, ClassLink, or EdLink. This is a significant improvement, as this new feature will allow districts and schools to manually create and quickly roster pullout classes for purposes of addressing Accelerated Instructions quickly, easily, and for any determined length of engagement.

Notes: District Administrators will be able to create pullout classes for students within a specific school; however we do not yet support the creation of classes with students who are based at multiple schools within the district. Those special pullouts will need to be created in a special self registration instance (typical of summer schedule).

  • Akin to the model found with self reg districts wherein admins or teachers add classes and pre-existing students only

  • No ability to add new students (or teachers) who are not present in the district data received from Clever, ClassLink, or EdLink.

  • Ability for admins and teachers to be able to add/create and edit:

    • Class name

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Associated school building (if multiple)

  • Ability to associate available programs (as current)

  • Continue to allow co-teachers to continue to Self Reg at rostered districts for the classes they support (including ability to join multiple classes).



The ability to quickly create special engagements such as pullout or breakout classes across schools within a district has been increasingly requested by districts. By providing this feature, we will be able to allow districts to quickly bring special learning to students who need it the most, regardless of formal class schedules and sharing via Clever, ClassLink or EdLink.


How To Create Pullout/Breakout Classes at Rostered Districts

Any administrator or teacher at a rostered district or school using Clever, ClassLink, or EdLink can now quickly create special ‘non-SIS-based classes’ using new tools available starting on May 25, 2022.

District and School Administrators

Note: District Admins can create classes within any school using Sirius within a district. School Admins and Teachers can only create and add students from their assigned schools.


1. Log in to Sirius Online and click Users.
2. Search for a teacher who will serve as the ‘Primary Teacher’ of your new class or pullout. Be sure to use the header filters to quickly locate a specific teacher.

3. Once you locate the teacher for whom you’ll add a class, click the View button.

4. On the Teacher profile screen, click Add Class at the bottom.

5. Type a Class Name, and add a Start Date and End Date (always extend the end date a few weeks beyond the last day of class in order to allow teachers to wrap up their work on any given class).

6. Your new class appears in the Teacher profile.  To add students (i.e., from your Clever, ClassLink, or EdLink shared accounts), click the View button to the right of the newly added class.

Note: You can only add currently shared students in your rostered data. You cannot self-register students outside of your rostered method.

7. Click the Add Existing Student link.

8. When you locate the student you would like to add, click the Add button

9. Your new student has been added to your class. Complete the same add student process for each student who needs to be a member of the new class.
You can confirm your final list of students on the Roster Screen to be sure all have been added.


Teachers can add classes for themselves by following a similar set of steps:

1. On the teacher’s desktop in which main class rosters appear (from Clever, ClassLink, and EdLink), a teacher could create a pullout or breakout session by clicking Add Class.

2. Type in the following information:
--Add a Class Name; be sure to follow your district class naming conventions, especially for special Accelerated Instruction pullouts or breakouts.
--Supply a Start Date; it is often a good practice to allow the class to start before students need to start using the course.
--Supply an End Date; we recommend dating the course at least two weeks after students wrap up their work so teachers have time to do final scoring and evaluation.
--*If a teacher is affiliated with more than one school, the teacher will be able to choose which school from the Pulldown Menu to which the new class will be created.

3. Once the class has been created, you can add students by clicking the Add Existing Student button.
4. Search for and add each student who should be added to your class.
5. Confirm your final list of students on the Roster Screen to be sure all have been added.

Note: Co-teachers can be added via self registration if they are not included in the district or school data.