This resource covers scoring of activities in practice mode, the saving of responses, reassignment of work to students on individual assignments, and some notes about manual scoring of items.
1. Scoring Practice or Feedback Mode Activities. Most inquiries about student scoring irregularities relate to practice or feedback mode exercises that track first tries only in our scorecard/gradebook and our reports. Even though practice
activity items are designed to encourage students to respond with multiple
tries until they get fully correct answers, the tracking 'behind the
scenes' is set to report only the first try or response that the
student has chosen. Even though a student eventually gets to a correct
answer (our method for encouraging learning through practice), the
scorecard score does not currently report tries, only the first try. The technology does not track the last response (hopefully correct after use of feedback and hints with multiple tries) but rather the first.
the months to come, Sirius is working toward building on screen
information that helps teachers and students better understand which of
their tries were correct, partially correct, or incorrect based on their
tries and use of on-screen scaffolded support (blue button feedback
2. Students Need to Submit Work or Save Work Before Exiting. In order for the full experience to work reliably students should Submit their work for scoring (to their teacher) or Save for later whenever they wrap up their work in Sirius Online.
Responses not saving. If you believe that student responses are not saving, ask students to
clear their cache,
and restart their machines and relaunch the browser so they can
continue their work on the activity. Most often, students will be able to resume their
work and the issue will resolve.
4. Reassign work directly from the Scorecard Summary screen.
If Step 2 doesn't seem to produce successful results, reassign the
activity for that particular student. You can do so directly from your
assignment's scorecard summary (locate the assignment and click the "Score"
button to get to this screen). You will be able to reassign individual students by clicking
the date in the Submitted column to reveal the Reassign Assignment's Reassign button for each
individual student who needs to complete their work.
5. Open response questions.
For open responses that require manual scoring, teachers will see the
scoring panel to the right of an open response with a Points entry. NOT
ALL practice open responses need to be scored, including student
reflections at the end of assignments, though you'll have an opportunity to write a comment or
provide feedback for students.
NOTE: To view only items that require possible manual scoring, click the "Only show manually Scored Items" in the upper toolbar toggle. Most often you'll want to toggle this to off when you are reviewing every item in an assignment.
1. To score an item, add a number of points in the Points field out of the suggested full value of the item (typically one point). You can use decimals such as .5 or .25 if you want to give partial credit for a student's open response.
2. Add a Teacher Comment in the open field when you need to provide additional feedback to students.
3. Click Save to save a score, teacher comment, or both.
Thank you.