Sirius Online DA and SAs: District Admin Item Analysis Export Definition Key Fields - CSV

Sirius Online DA and SAs: District Admin Item Analysis Export Definition Key Fields - CSV

Based on

General Information - Column 1, Rows 1-5

Export Timestamp: 10-03-2024, 12:02 PM Coordinated Universal Time [Date and Time]

Content Title: [Assessment or Activity Name]

Content Subtitle: [Included if one has been provided]

District: [District name]  or, in SA Reports [ School Name]

Alignments: 3.2A, 3.2B [full set of comma separated alignment]

Reports Key for COLUMNS: 

  • SCHOOL NAME: (Available in DA Reports) name of school input into system via rostering (or self registration instance creation)

  • TEACHER NAME: first & Last Name of Primary Teacher

  • SSO ID:  32 unique alphanumeric characters identifying the SSO teacher


  • CLASS NAME: name of the classroom as input into the system via teacher self creation or automated SSO creation

  • ASGMT: assignment number or instance of assignment. If students miss the first assignment and it closes, teachers can reassign and it’s value would be “2.”

  • TYPE: Type of assignment assigned by Classroom, Individual, Group

  • FIRST NAME: first name of student as registered in the system

  • LAST NAME: last name of student as registered in the system

  • SSO ID: 32 unique alphanumeric characters identifying the SSO student

  • STATUS: status of assignment

    • CLOSED indicates that the assignment closed prior to student not starting assignment; also indicative of open items (ECRs/SCRs/other) yet to be scored

    • Completed indicates that work has been completed by students and teachers (if they needed to complete and have completed manual scoring)

  • START DATE: Date and time student began accessing the assessment

  • DUE DATE: Date indicated by teacher as to when student work should be completed

  • SUBMITTED DATE: Date submitted by student. Students who do not have submitted work do not display date and time

  • SUBMITTED: Yes or no

  • TURNED IN LATE: Yes or no

  • GRADE: percentage

  • TOTAL USAGE (SECONDS): time used in completion of assignment

  • POINTS AWARDED: Final score in points

  • POINTS AVAILABLE: Total points available

  • FEEDBACK: Text provided by teacher that is global to the activity or assessment.

NON-SCORED ITEMS - May be excluded from the data upon export

  • NOT ITEM POINTS: This field, when included in the data, represents screens of content, usually instructions to students, but unscored; 

  • NOT ITEM USAGE: In MM:SS; Time spent on screen

  • NOT ITEM ALIGNMENTS: Unscored content, media on a single screen with instructions but no scored items, may appear aligned with standards and would provide the value here.

SCORED ITEMS - Each scored Item is numbered

  • ITEM POINTS: Points awarded/points possible (e.g., 1.0/2.0)

  • ITEM ALIGNMENT: Standard TEKs code (e.g., 3.2A, 4.2B,)

  • ITEM USAGE:  In MM:SS; Time spent on response to item