Sirius Resources Are Copyright Protected - Updated 09.25.23

Sirius Resources Are Copyright Protected - Updated 09.25.23

Sirius Education Solutions’ digital and print resources are copyright protected and cannot be legally reproduced and/or distributed in any form or by any means without written permission from Sirius Education Solutions.

Sirius print resources clearly indicate that it is “unlawful to photocopy or project without permission” on each page. Educators do have permission to project Sirius resources for use with students that have digital licenses and/or individual or class sets of printed workbooks.

However, educators cannot photocopy Sirius print resources as a way to manage financial challenges. Photocopying Sirius copyright protected resources is illegal. It is also:
  1. More expensive—copying costs with operator time can be more than our volume prices
  2. Less effective— copying creates an incoherent curriculum with less student buy in
  3. Hard on staff—copying consumes valuable teacher time that is better spent preparing
  4. Unfair—makes it hard for Sirius to provide our proven resources at cost-effective prices

Reproducing Sirius workbooks or digital lessons and test items in any form, including entering Sirius test items into other digital environments, is illegal and opens the school district to serious legal action.

We recognize there is much misinformation concerning copyright laws. Below is key information on federal copyright law and penalties as it applies to Sirius resources.
Current copyright law grants some exceptions that apply to teaching called the “Fair Use” doctrine. This doctrine creates misconceptions, such as duplication of copyrighted materials without permission for non-profit educational purposes is always permissible. This is false/untrue. Fair use has limits and does not apply to works intended to be “consumable” in the course of studying or teaching. (See Circular21 on Reproduction of Copyrighted Works
p. 7 parts IIIB and IIIC found here:

The penalty for copyright infringement is the actual losses sustained. But statutory damages may reach as high as $100,000 if the infringement is willful.
Sirius Education Solutions’ supplemental resources help Texas schools better align their taught curriculum with exactly what students need to know and do on the STAAR tests. Our essential TEKS instruction and authentic STAAR practice help free teachers to focus their limited time on
delivering engaging and differentiated instruction for their unique student needs. We thank you for supporting Sirius and respecting our copyright. This allows us to regularly update and improve our effective TEKS-based and STAAR-focused resources.

If you have any questions or want permission to use Sirius excerpts in presentations, please give us a call at 800-942-1379 or email us at

STAAR® is a registered trademark of the Texas Education Agency, which does not endorse this program or its content.