Implementing Sirius STAAR Assessment Bank (SSAB) for Administrators and Teachers: A Checklist

Implementing Sirius STAAR Assessment Bank (SSAB) for Administrators and Teachers: A Checklist

The items below can be considered as checklist items for Teachers in rolling out assessments created by districts using our new Sirius STAAR Assessment Bank and Test Builder Digital Product.

1. Log into Sirius using your districts SSO or via your self registration account. If you need support, please contact your course coordinators or IT Staff for added instructions.

2. Add Assessment Folder Content to Sirius (SSAB: Teachers). A one-pager on how teachers add assessment folder content created in SSAB.
Note that Assessment Folders always appear with a blue folder icon when you add content (vs. Courses) as in the screenshot example below.

3. Also add the 2024-25 Sirius Online Tutorials module that appears near the top of your content list.

  1. The student-focused Sirius Tools Tutorial contained in the module should be projected in class and done as a group activity with students. It can also be assigned to students to do individually.
  2. This accompanying resource – Student User Experiences PDF –summarizes tool use by students and can be shared with them as a review of the Sirius Tools Tutorial.
  3. Educator eLearning includes eLearning Courses, SES 101: Introduction to Sirius Online 2024-25, and SES 102: Introduction to Sirius Online for Education Leaders (Administrators). These eLearning courses can used by teachers and administrators who would like to learn more about Sirius Online.
4. *Review this video: How Teachers Work with Assessments Created in SSAB (YouTube: 8 minutes). A short overview walking teachers through the process of adding assessment folders to their classes and assigning assessments to their students.

5. Print out Assigning Assessments in Sirius (SSAB: Teachers). A summary one-pager on how teachers assign assessments created in SSAB to students. For more on making and managing assignments, please see this section of our How to Use Guide: Teachers, Co-Teachers, Tutors.